Friday, December 23, 2011

C# EventArgs

from msdn:

using System;

// FireEventArgs: a custom event inherited from EventArgs.

public class FireEventArgs: EventArgs {
    public FireEventArgs(string room, int ferocity) { = room;
        this.ferocity = ferocity;

    // The fire event will have two pieces of information-- 
    // 1) Where the fire is, and 2) how "ferocious" it is.  

    public string room;
    public int ferocity;

}    //end of class FireEventArgs

// Class with a function that creates the eventargs and initiates the event
public class FireAlarm {

    // Events are handled with delegates, so we must establish a FireEventHandler
    // as a delegate:

    public delegate void FireEventHandler(object sender, FireEventArgs fe);

    // Now, create a public event "FireEvent" whose type is our FireEventHandler delegate. 

    public event FireEventHandler FireEvent;    

    // This will be the starting point of our event-- it will create FireEventArgs,
    // and then raise the event, passing FireEventArgs. 

    public void ActivateFireAlarm(string room, int ferocity) {

        FireEventArgs fireArgs = new FireEventArgs(room, ferocity);

        // Now, raise the event by invoking the delegate. Pass in 
        // the object that initated the event (this) as well as FireEventArgs. 
        // The call must match the signature of FireEventHandler.

        FireEvent(this, fireArgs); 
}    // end of class FireAlarm

// Class which handles the event

class FireHandlerClass {

    // Create a FireAlarm to handle and raise the fire events. 

    public FireHandlerClass(FireAlarm fireAlarm)    {

        // Add a delegate containing the ExtinguishFire function to the class'
        // event so that when FireAlarm is raised, it will subsequently execute 
        // ExtinguishFire.

        fireAlarm.FireEvent += new FireAlarm.FireEventHandler(ExtinguishFire);

    // This is the function to be executed when a fire event is raised. 
    void ExtinguishFire(object sender, FireEventArgs fe) {

        Console.WriteLine("\nThe ExtinguishFire function was called by {0}.", sender.ToString());

        // Now, act in response to the event.

        if (fe.ferocity < 2)
            Console.WriteLine("This fire in the {0} is no problem.  I'm going to pour some water on it.",;
        else if (fe.ferocity < 5)
            Console.WriteLine("I'm using FireExtinguisher to put out the fire in the {0}.",;
            Console.WriteLine("The fire in the {0} is out of control.  I'm calling the fire department!",;
}    //end of class FireHandlerClass

public class FireEventTest {
    public static void Main ()     {    

        // Create an instance of the class that will be firing an event.

        FireAlarm myFireAlarm = new FireAlarm();
        // Create an instance of the class that will be handling the event. Note that 
        // it receives the class that will fire the event as a parameter. 

        FireHandlerClass myFireHandler = new FireHandlerClass(myFireAlarm);
        //use our class to raise a few events and watch them get handled
        myFireAlarm.ActivateFireAlarm("Kitchen", 3);
        myFireAlarm.ActivateFireAlarm("Study", 1);
        myFireAlarm.ActivateFireAlarm("Porch", 5);

    }    //end of main

}    // end of FireEventTest

Friday, December 9, 2011

.NET web performance HttpContext.Current caching

Earlier in the article, I mentioned that small improvements to frequently traversed code paths can lead to big, overall performance gains. One of my absolute favorites of these is something I've termed per-request caching.
Whereas the Cache API is designed to cache data for a long period or until some condition is met, per-request caching simply means caching the data for the duration of the request. A particular code path is accessed frequently on each request but the data only needs to be fetched, applied, modified, or updated once. This sounds fairly theoretical, so let's consider a concrete example.
In the Forums application of Community Server, each server control used on a page requires personalization data to determine which skin to use, the style sheet to use, as well as other personalization data. Some of this data can be cached for a long period of time, but some data, such as the skin to use for the controls, is fetched once on each request and reused multiple times during the execution of the request.
To accomplish per-request caching, use the ASP.NET HttpContext. An instance of HttpContext is created with every request and is accessible anywhere during that request from the HttpContext.Current property. The HttpContext class has a special Items collection property; objects and data added to this Items collection are cached only for the duration of the request. Just as you can use the Cache to store frequently accessed data, you can use HttpContext.Items to store data that you'll use only on a per-request basis. The logic behind this is simple: data is added to the HttpContext.Items collection when it doesn't exist, and on subsequent lookups the data found in HttpContext.Items is simply returned.



System.Web.Caching.Cache, HttpRuntime.Cache, and IIS Recycles

Recently I chimed in on a newsgroup thread to an OP (Original Poster) who was questioning why he was losing Cache items. This individual would load a dataset from the Cache object into a local object to use to perform processing. He had been using httpcontext.current.cache and noticed that sometimes he was not able to get the dataset out of the cache. He tried switching to HttpRuntime.Cache and it seemed to help.
The OP claimed that the application is under heavy hits, and once or twice every month he would see this error. He wanted to know why does the HttpContext.Current.Cache call work sometimes, while some other times does not.

A couple of posters replied, one of whom is a respected MVP who usually makes very astute, high-quality posts. He posted,"The cache is only valid during the life of the request. how is you[sic] code using the cache?"
Somebody else (also pretty astute, usually) responded, "Cache is valid during lifetime of application not request.....".
What's the answer?
Just to make sure, I posted some response information:
"ASP.NET applications recycle periodically, especially if there is a lot of memory pressure. When this happens, Cache goes away and is then resurrected.
While there could be other explanations, this is the most likely one. It should not matter whether you use HttpContext or HttpRuntime..."
I got a response:
"recycling doesn't effect [sic] HttpRuntime.Cache, which only exists for the request. during a recycle, currently running requests continue in the old
appdomain, so they still have this data."
That's only partially true. Yes, existing requests continue to finish up on the original AppDomain. However, that doesn't explain why the Cache item would be gone on any subsequent request, which is what the OP was really asking. So I responded in more detail:
"The System.Web.Caching.Cache class can be accessed either through the static property System.Web.HttpRuntime.Cache or through the helper instance properties System.Web.UI.Page and System.Web.HttpContext.Cache. (or HttpContext.Current.Cache) It is therefore available outside the context of a request. There is only one instance of this object throughout an entire application domain. Recycling an AppDomain (e.g. by touching web.config, or due to IIS causing the recycle due to memory pressure, etc.) will drop Application, Cache, and in-process Session information since that is stored in the AppDomain logical process. You can do this simple test:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Cache["test"] = "Stuff in Cache";
System.Web.HttpRuntime.UnloadAppDomain(); // similar to an IIS AppDomain RecycleResponse.Redirect("Default2.aspx");
// Default2.aspx simply does: Response.Write((string) Cache["test"]); -- you should see nothing.}
The main point here is that if your Application is recycled either due to IIS health settings, the web tree contents being changed, or because your buggy code throws an unhandled exception, then your Session , Application, and Cache contents go "bye bye". There are no ifs, ands or buts about it. You are getting a new AppDomain, and it starts life with nothing in either Session, Application, or Cache.
The most efficient way to access the Cache is via the HttpRuntime.Cache object directly, the other methods involve extra parsing for the current HttpContext . It's a very minor optimization though. In point of fact, you can use the HttpRuntime.Cache class from Windows Forms or even a Windows Service, and it will work just fine. All you need is a reference to System.Web. It is very efficient and has neat Invalidation callbacks and other useful features that would be hard to duplicate. It's also much more lightweight than the Enterprise Library Caching framework and if you believe in traveling with "batteries included" as I do, this is the best way to go.

Linq to Umbraco datacontext httpcontext cache

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;

namespace Techready14
    public partial class TR14DataContext

        private static object createContextLock = new object();

        public static TR14DataContext Instance
                if (HttpContext.Current != null)
                    var context = HttpContext.Current.Cache["TR14DataContext"] as TR14DataContext;
                    if (context == null)
                        lock (createContextLock)
                            if (context == null)

                                context = new TR14DataContext();
                                HttpContext.Current.Cache["TR14DataContext"] = context;

                    return context;
                    return new TR14DataContext();